Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Resaon Communism Failed : II

10. Due to limited amount of resources, the is always a struggle to
get it and Someone will always get greedy enough for sharing it.(Thanks to
11. Men have an affinity for their friends, family, acquaintance
than for a stranger, that makes commuism in a state to deviate to oligarchism.
12. Monetary Currency
13. Weapon Race
Conspiracy from non-communist Capitalist Nations
15. It thinks highly
of wisdom of
but not that highly of madness
of cro
16. Reluctance of government to move toward pure
17. Surplus
still exists thought the state is communist for cheap
18. Commodity
remains in the mind of ruling body.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Secret Services and poor innocent Citizens

While talking to a team-mate I told her 'There is
a good news and a bad news for you guys.'
' What are those ?' she
' Good is that Pakistan admitted India attack
' And What's bad ?'
Some RAW agents got caught in Pakistan
' Is it So? '
'Yes !', I
Another of my team-mate interrupted 'Have you seen the movie
Main Hoon
'No', I said.
'They just
capture innocent citizen and show them as RAW

Just two hours ago I was
reading a Pakistani news claiming vice versa.
wields considerable influence in Nepal and the unfortunate people who got trapped by the
agency had gone to Nepal on legal travelling documents
'Kasab and many of those arrested in Nepal and
transferred to India would be killed in fake encounters and their bodies used to
authenticate sinister scenarios fabricated by Indian
The article was about 2006 detention of
Kasab from Nepal.
I don't know who is true or who is not . But
citizens of both countries believe that the other nation is capturing poor innocent
citizen in name of terrorist/secret agent.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Resaon Communism Failed

1. State is run by politicians, not by economists.
2. Leaders confuse the final state of communism(statelessness) with anarchy(not
in philosophical sense).
3. Capitalist think they may lose market if
communism grows.
4. People prefer short term benefit over a long term
5. Party rules, commune doesn't.
Proletariat don't get access to capital
7. The country embracing communism were poor.
8. Communist ideology always argues for the freedom of a person to think and
express in his ways but countries embracing communism never follow that.
9.Communist theory assumes that all humans are basically good, well motivated,
and possess equal capabilities and motivation.

be Continued...